Gardens of Iran:Ancient Wisdom,New Vision

3,000,000 تومان

کاملا نایاب.

(لطفا پس از اتمام مراحل خرید یک پیام به شماره واتساپ 09365690241 مندرج در وبسایت ارسال فرمایید)



Published on the occasion of the exhibition “Gardens of Iran: Ancient Wisdom, New Vision” held at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Fall of 2004

(نسخه انگلیسی-کاملا نایاب)

. Chiefly in English, one chapter in French  p. 26-48. Contents; Ancient wisdom — Images of garden throughout history — New visions includes: Video art ,Video-installation, Installation, Photography, Performance, Painting,

Subjects includes :17  Historic Gardens of Iran architecture documents, Persian Gardens, Historic gardens, Gardens, .Islamic  Art, Iranian  Gardens in art. Islamic gardens ,

Curator:Faryar Javaherian

Assistant Curator:Azadeh Shahcheraghi

توضیحات تکمیلی





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